Herbal Medicines May Be Danger

A forensic pathologist from a university of Adelaide has proclaimed a worldwide warning of the potential fatal dangers of herbal medicines if taken in large quantities, injected, or combined with prescription drugs. 
A herbal medicine called Chan su and used to treat sore throats, boils and heart palpitations, contains the venenous secretions of Chinese toads, which can cause cardiac arrests or even comas, according to Professor Byard. Besides, herbal medicines can induce liver, renal and cardiac failure, strokes, movement disorders, muscle weakness and seizures. 
Some herbal medicines may also have various effects on standard drugs, says Professor Byard. St John's Wort can reduce the effects of warfarin and cause intermenstrual bleeding in women taking the oral contraceptive pill. Gingko and garlic also increase the risk of bleeding with anticoagulants and certain herbal remedies such as Borage Oil and Evening Primrose Oil lower the seizure threshold in epileptics.