Mustard seeds have a large number of health Benefits

Mustard is all treasure itself, and its available parts include roots, seeds and leaves. Mustard seeds have a very long history in traditional Chinese medicine. Mustard seeds contain various nutrients beneficial to the human body, especially mustard enzymes and sinapic acid, as well as high-content fat and protein. They can be processed into mustard oil or mustard sauce for human consumption and can work as an ingredient in a variety of food materials to play an important role in disinfection and flavor enhancement.

Mustard Seed Extract
Mustard Seed Extract also contains a various kinds of precious antioxidant compounds such as:
1.Hydroxycinnamic acid
The study found that this compound inhibits human lung adenocarcinoma cells and is effective against multiple drug-resistant M. tuberculosis. It also has anti-malarial activity and other benefits.
2. Quercetin
An important compound that fights against free radicals
3. Isorhamnetin
Studies have found that this compound can cause certain apoptosis (cell death) of certain cancer cells. It also has special effects on inflammatory skin diseases.
4. Kaempferol
It has hypoglycemia, anti-oxidation, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, cardiovascular and neuroprotective effects and other functions.

Semen Sinapis Extract
It has various applications, including the treatment of abscesses, bronchitis, asthma, colds, rheumatism, toothache, various pains, bladder inflammation, ulcers and all kinds of gastrointestinal diseases, and it is usually in the form of mustard seed ointment to apply on partial external skin.
Historically, mustard seeds have also been used in baths to relieve inflammation as it helps to speed up blood flow.
Mustard seeds are also commonly used to make what you know as "wasabi" and are also a good source of minerals such as phosphorus, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium and manganese.